Respect. Excellence. Integrity.

Coronavirus Information

Information will be continually published here in order to keep our Hamilton Secondary College school community informed on how we as a school and the Department for Education as a whole are addressing the current Coronavirus situation to ensure the well-being and education needs of our staff and students continue to be met.

Online Learning Handbook for Term 2

Please see the following Student Handbook which has been developed to provide families with a clear and concise outline of protocols and procedures that will enable students to participate successfully in an online program in Term 2, 2020.

Online Learning Handbook for Term 2

Letters from the Principal

May 5th

The latest letter from the Principal details changes to arrangements as the majority of our students are returning to on-site learning.

Updated Term 2 Arrangements for Students

April 24th

Please see the latest letter from the Principal below detailing the College’s expectations surrounding students learning remotely and those learning on-site for Term 2. These expectations are in line with the outcome of the student attendance survey that was part of the Principal’s letter made available on this page on April 6th which parents and caregivers answered.

Term 2 Learning Program for All Students

Arrangements covering both remote and on-site learning for Term 2 can be viewed below

Term 2 Arrangements for All Students

April 6th

The latest letter from the Principal below outlines the current tests we are running to determine the best possible learning experience for both students who will be learning at home as well as those who will be in the classroom.

An important survey link is included in the letter for parents to respond to so we can best understand the number of students who will be learning remotely as well as those who will physically attend school.

Term 2 Remote Learning Preparations

March 30th

Please see the following letter from the Principal regarding the current plans for how we at Hamilton Secondary College will be approaching remote learning for our students during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Student Remote Learning

Letter from the Chief Public Health Officer

April 22nd

Please see the below statement released on April 22nd from the Chief Public Health Officer which provides the latest recommendations for parents and caregivers.

Letter from the Chief Public Health Officer

Information from the SACE Board

03/31The latest information for students studying for their SACE

The SACE Board and SATAC have put together a video answering a range of questions and concerns students have had as they study for their SACE amidst the current COVID-19 pandemic. The video is available to watch below, or can be accessed by clicking the above title link.

03/30Important message from Professor Martin Westwell, Chief Executive of the SACE Board of SA

A message to Stage 1 and 2 students

A message to parents